App installer design: click packages

Omar B. estelar57 at
Mon May 13 18:42:18 UTC 2013

UDS is tomorrow so there will be some good discussions about this.

However, I fear things will be rather inconclusive as there's no clear picture yet.
So this should have an entry in the Wiki with a list of present and future features that are not only necessary, but could give Ubuntu more advantages compared to other OSs (and not just catch up, but lead).
Also a comparison of systems (both the proprietary and the ones available for linux) will also be needed to easier visualize and make things a bit more transparent.
There should be a list of advantages and disadvantages of each one as well as possible issues.
for example here's one from 0install:
However is fairly simple and doesn't have all options listed like:
 Linstaller, Nix or even glick2.
If one offers enough pros or some killer features for the future that gives the OS an advantage than would be worth having it available.

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