12.10 upgrade path - Re: Let's Discuss Interim Releases (and a Rolling Release)

Evan Dandrea evan.dandrea at canonical.com
Fri Mar 1 20:15:13 UTC 2013

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:36 AM, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com> wrote:
> No would be a good time to be discussing this change for after 14.04.  Doing
> this mid LTS - LTS cycle is going to be problematic for a variety of reasons.
> I we had a year to get ready, then we might be in a reasonable place to decide
> on making a transition like this.

I emphatically disagree. We have been laying the foundation for
exactly this sort of thing for years. You've already read about the
extensive testing on jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com, britney, the phasing of
updates, the wealth of data from errors.ubuntu.com, changes to
update-manager, and many other supporting actors to this that are
already in place today or not far off. If we need more than that, lets
get off the mailing list and get it written, but lets do it while
moving forward.

Many of these tools will need to be developed in motion. We wont know
how effective they are and what improvements need to be made until
we're running them with real data from the rolling release.

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