Source packages appropriate by default?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Tue Jul 23 05:51:46 UTC 2013

On Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:02:00 AM Daniel J Blueman wrote:
> By large, developers are uninterested in this, but it is important for
> users and where we use Ubuntu.
> Anyone care to comment on how we can progress this?

I think most developers would believe the current situation is appropriate.  
By default users have the same access to source and binary packages and for a 
free software distribution, that is the ethically correct approach.

Scott K

> On 15 July 2013 13:32, Daniel J Blueman <daniel at> wrote:
> > From earlier feedback, there were no overriding reasons why package
> > sources should be enabled by default.
> > 
> > We not only save congestion on, but quite a lot of
> > country-level mirrors point to Canonical's servers, which are
> > relatively distant and slow (~80KB/s from here), so this is a win.
> > 
> > So, what's the path to change this?
> > 
> > On 21 May 2013 22:04, J Fernyhough <j.fernyhough at> wrote:
> >> On 21 May 2013 13:55, Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:
> >>> What if we provided a reasonable message if no deb-src lines are
> >>> defined, with a single simple command to add them and run "apt-get
> >>> update" for you?
> >> 
> >> I don't think it would even need that - software-properties (Software
> >> & Updates) already has the necessary checkbox. All that is needed to
> >> enable sources is to tick that box.
> >> 
> >>> From a technical point of view, does mirroring the deb lines into
> >>> deb-src lines work in all cases? Would doing so break anything?
> >> 
> >> This is effectively what Software Sources does under-the-hood.
> >> 
> >> I have to agree, if the amount being downloaded is not trivial (which
> >> I thought it was) then there's no need to have them enabled by default
> >> when it's very easy to turn them on. One of the first things I do on
> >> any new install is disable those that aren't needed.
> >> 
> >> Jonathon
> >> 
> >> (to the list this time)
> >> 
> >> --
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> > --
> > Daniel J Blueman

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