Xorg was removed.. without an alternative

Robert Park robert.park at canonical.com
Wed Jul 10 19:41:15 UTC 2013

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Jo-Erlend Schinstad <
joerlend.schinstad at gmail.com> wrote:

> Perhaps it would be wise to disable the option in the GUI with a proper
> explanation of this? It's obvious that proposed _might_ break things, but
> it's certainly not obvious that it's not intended for humans when there's a
> GUI to enable it.

The issue is that it's only in the *devel* pre-release when it's not safe
for humans to enable it. The GUI for enabling it needs to exist because
there are scenarios where humans should be enabling it: people using older
stable releases who are crippled by some bug or other, and need to test
SRUs sooner rather than later.
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