Patch pilot report 2012-01-29

Barry Warsaw barry at
Tue Jan 29 23:02:50 UTC 2013

55 at start

* lp:~adam-stokes/ubuntu/raring/python-tz/merge-to-2012c/+merge/145222
  needs-fixing due to build failures

* lp:~logan/ubuntu/raring/wxbanker/dh_python2/+merge/144592
  approved and sponsored (after some fixes)

* lp:~logan/ubuntu/raring/z3c.form/2.9.1
  already sponsored, mp marked as merged

* lp:~dylanmccall/update-manager/bug-1105363
  approved and merged to trunk; sponsored

* lp:~dylanmccall/update-manager/refactored-cellareapackage
  reviewed, fixed some issues, merged to trunk; sponsored

* LP: #1098872
  resolved via syncpackage since the Ubuntu deltas seem no longer necessary.
  (darn, I probably should have used -b and -s)

54 at end
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