Screen orientation and backlight sensing for the Nexus 7

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri Jan 18 11:36:00 UTC 2013

Am Donnerstag, den 17.01.2013, 16:04 +0000 schrieb Jani Monoses:
> Hello,
> There's a blueprint about sensor related tasks on the Nexus 7
> drivers
> I'd like your input regarding the best place in our stack such features 
> should be exposed to other software and to users.
> There's a small test app written in Go that can be run on the Nexus 7 
> that will orient the screen and set brightness depending on tablet 
> position and ambient light respectively.
> On the Nexus 7 : Install golang, go build nexus.go, sudo ./nexus -v or 
> download the prebuilt static binary from
> ~jani/a

this is just awesome ... !!!
> However, to prevent adding yet another daemon with non-negligible memory 
> footprint (~1.8M), I think behavior and various thresholds should be 
> configurable in the Control Center GUI and the functionality added to one 
> or several of the existing daemons written in C.
> AFAIK there are no generic kernel and userland APIs for such sensors, 
> save for device specific sysfs knobs so this may be a good opportunity to 
> think about how to expose such hardware features in a device independent 
> manner in the future.
> Thoughts?

while i think that ambient light detection and rotation should be
separated and implemented as gnome-settings-daemon modules and that we
should additionally have something event driven from the kernel side
instead of polling, i also think that this is quite a huge
implementation task and feature freeze isn't so far out anymore ...

i think we should go with the standalone daemon for the moment, add some
cmdline/conffile ways for configuration (feature on/off at least) and
work out proper blueprints for 13.10. that way we have the function in
place asap and can collect and fix bugs for it in 13.04, this will make
sure that we have the underlying bits fully in place for 13.10 and can
concentrate on the split into modules and UI elements...

the size is indeed a bit concerning and it would be better to just have
it in plain C unless the go binaries can be made smaller

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