Patch Pilot Report & bzr workflow used.

Barry Warsaw barry at
Wed Jan 16 04:58:12 UTC 2013

On Jan 16, 2013, at 12:58 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:

>I did quite a few "bzr" merge proposals.
>The workflow I used was this:
>bzr branch lp:~logan/ubuntu/raring/rbbr/0.6.0-6
>cd 0.6.0-6
>bzr bd -S
>sbuild ../build-area/*.dsc
>bzr diff -rtag:last-ubuntu | filterdiff -x ".pc*"
>bzr diff -rtag:last-debian | filterdiff -x ".pc*"
>debsign ../build-area/*_source.changes
>dput ../build-area/*_source.changes
>bzr mark-uploaded
>bzr push lp:ubuntu/rbbr

Good tips.  Could you add them to

One thing I'd like to encourage is for folks to edit this page as they are
doing their piloting, so that over time it gathers other good tips and tricks
and becomes generally more helpful about best practices.

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