Let's Discuss Interim Releases (and a Rolling Release)

Allison Randal allison at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 28 19:53:49 UTC 2013

On 02/28/2013 11:26 AM, Rick Spencer wrote:
> The daily quality parts are well documented in blueprints from the last
> several UDSs and we are running them. For handling monthly releases,
> there is a proposal on how to do that:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/release-r-monthly-snapshots

That's a good start. A little short on details.

> Otherwise, it's mostly a matter of stopping doing things.

It's a matter of stopping doing things that currently work, that we know
lead to a stable product, that's friendly to end users. Producing a
high-quality OS takes work. You can't just "stop doing work". You have
to replace some parts of one development model with new work in the new
development model.

> Oh? I would point to our last several years of improving Daily Quality
> and at Raring as it is today. I think our track record for making a
> highly usable development release is quite excellent.

The quality of the daily builds has certainly improved. But, there's
still a quantum leap between that and a level of quality I'd expose to
end users.

The quick reply (while appreciated) still doesn't answer my question: I
want a detailed *technical* description of the new development model. If
it helps you, draft it as an engineering plan to be presented to Mark,
convincing him that this is a good use of his money.

I suspect there's a good chance that if we all work on the technical
details together as a "hypothetical reality", we can achieve a version
that is a truly compelling replacement for the 6-month cadence. But it's
not there yet.


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