Ubuntu Developer Summits Now Online and Every Three Months

Scott Ritchie scottritchie at ubuntu.com
Wed Feb 27 21:22:14 UTC 2013

On 2/27/13 5:19 AM, Bhavani Shankar R wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> An event with only a week's notice is pretty useless especially if it
>> clashes with significant dates like feature freeze.
> +1 here too as it makes planning totally difficult for any contributor
> (as gilir said and on a personal note I would take time off during May
> and November to plan down on my views that I thought to say during the
> uds.
> Secondly, The timezone in which this uds is planned for just puts me
> virtually out of participation on the sessions I intend to attend as
> it will be at the stroke of midnight at the place where I live (and
> holds good for most of the eastern parts I guess) and waking up coming
> back from work would be difficult.
> Thirdly, contributors (like myself) can be living in some places where
> internet connectivity would be not that great to support HD video
> streaming and can cause distortion when trying to speak.

I empathize -- doing UDS remotely on the same days that you have real 
work is rough and I wouldn't recommend it.  I realized how much I was 
putitng into Ubuntu when I found myself staying up till 3am to attend a 
UDS session a day before a major exam ;)

Perhaps on the other side, in principle if you were prepared to take 
time off to come to UDS you may be able to take time off to adjust your 
personal clock and secure a reliable internet connection for remote 

> Finally, By this, the human touch to ubuntu community will drop
> further a bit as I think ubuntu community has been a great community
> for the social touch it provides (although doing an online UDS is
> beneficial from the commercial and the time perspective but can create
> a dent in the social aspect of the community).

No argument here, although I think those of us sponsored to attend may 
not have appreciated how incredibly expensive the ordeal was.

Scott Ritchie

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