Minutes from Developer Membership Board Meeting 2013-01-07

Micah Gersten micahg at ubuntu.com
Sun Feb 17 16:59:30 UTC 2013

On 02/14/2013 04:26 AM, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le 22/01/2013 11:01, Stefano Rivera a écrit :
>>>> > >We will be sending Bjoern an E-Mail explaining our concerns and
>>>> ways
>>>> > >that he can address them.
>>> >When is that planned? He still didn't get those, we still have no
>>> >clue what to change,
>> As soon as we can. And I think the idea of looking for things to change
>> is short-sighted. If we don't think someone is ready, it usually means
>> they need to do some more good distro work, and show that they are
>> ready.
> Hey again,
> (Gentle DMB ping, 3 weeks later it seems Bjoern still didn't get that
> explanation email, did it got lost on the way or was it still not sent?)
> On other news Benjamin reviewed/sponsored libreoffice 4 to raring,
> thanks Benjamin!
> From the review comments/fixes, the issues were mostly small packaging
> issues and cleanups. Benjamin listed one "blocker" issue, which was a
> GLIBCXX symbol listed in the .symbols with a debian revision version,
> that issue was not new in this update and is present in Debian, so it
> can't really be blamed on Bjoern.
> Seeing that this update went fine, would the DBM be happy to
> reconsider Bjoern application in the next meeting? Or is there
> anything else you would like to see happening?
> If extra work is still needed please let us know what Bjoern should be
> working on/improve, so we can move forward on that application.

I wanted to let you know that it has not been sent, and I apologize for
the delay.  As Iain mentioned, real life has taken precedence for me as
of late, but I do plan on sending the response. If I can't get to it in
the near future, I will look to hand this off.
However, both Stéphane Graber and Benjamin Drung have provided packaging
feedback which will be one of the main issues with PPU shortly as we
(the DMB) are moving to decouple PPU from membership.
Benjamin has mentioned that he's willing to sponsor libreoffice, and has
improved libcdr, libmspub, libvisio to get them acceptable for MIR. 
This should take care of getting LIbreoffice uploaded in the near
future, as well as give Bjoern some valuable sponsor feedback along the way.


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