Alpha 1 freeze in effect

Kate Stewart kate at
Wed Dec 18 05:31:35 UTC 2013

Hi all,

    Alpha 1 freeze[1] is now in effect, and the following flavors are
participating in putting out the first Alpha release for 14.04:
 - Xubuntu
 - Edubuntu
 - Lubuntu
 - Ubuntu GNOME
 - UbuntuKylin

   Core packages are now soft frozen at this time (thanks Steve!) until we
release out the Alpha 1 images.

   The ISO tracker [2] is recording  testing for the images now, and thank
you to those teams who have already jumped on and started testing.  :-)
 The flavor teams would appreciate if anyone with spare cycles can help
with the testing.

   Flavor team leads,  please let slangasek know on #ubuntu-release when
you've got an image you're happy with and want the daily builds turned off.

Thanks for your participation,
Kate,  on behalf of the Ubuntu Release team.

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