Patch pilot report 2013-12-10

Barry Warsaw barry at
Tue Dec 10 22:57:18 UTC 2013

41 at start

 * LP: #1258707 (sync apr-util 1.5.3-1)
   Already sync'd to trusty - closed bug.
 * LP: #1258692 (sync python-happybase 0.7-1)
   Already sync'd to trusty - closed bug
 * LP: #1258690 (sync libnl3 3.2.21-1)
   Already sync'd to trusty - closed bug
 * LP: #1258687 (sync libarchive 3.1.2-7)
   Built in -proposed, waiting for migration (bug not closed)
 * LP: #1258677 (sync syncevolution 1.3.2-1)
   Already sync'd to trusty - closed bug
 * LP: #1256127 (command-not-found still suggests xbattle)
   I think this is a bigger issue than xbattle still being suggested.  I think
   scan.dat on bignay is no longer being updated.  Have marked the mp Needs
   Information and subscribed mvo to the bug (marked Incomplete) to try to get
   more information.
 * LP: #1203919 (update-manager crash)
   Reviewed and approved patch by seb128.  Applied to trunk and uploaded.
 * lp:~mitya57/ubuntu/trusty/pillow/2.2.1-2ubuntu1
   Reviewed, approved, sponsored.

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