qreal change in Qt 5.2

Didier Roche didrocks at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 5 08:25:56 UTC 2013

Le 05/12/2013 06:26, Timo Jyrinki a écrit :
> 2013/12/4 Dmitry Shachnev <mitya57 at ubuntu.com>:
>> Also, IIRC, nothing was decided about the SONAME stuff (and I would really want
>> if we got synchronized with Debian on (not)doing the bump).
> I'd go for not bumping SONAME and doing all rebuilds at once. Debian
> should lead the way, and since they seem to do either this or not
> switch from float on arm, this seems a lot better option for the
> future. According to the bug report Fedora already switched without a
> bump.

Agreed as well, seeing the number of dependencies we have, it's better 
to just do a one shot pain day with a whole rebuild than striking for 
days to adjust dependencies/recommends fields to match the new binary 
package names in the various components.


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