Minutes from the Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting, 2013-12-03

Joseph Salisbury joseph.salisbury at canonical.com
Tue Dec 3 17:16:11 UTC 2013

= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/12/03/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of
the meeting.]]
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]

== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 03 Dec, 2013|20131203
Meeting Agenda]]

=== ARM Status  ===
 nothing new to report this week

=== Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs  ===
 Release metrics and incoming bug data can be reviewed at the following
     * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kt-meeting.txt

=== Milestone Targeted Work Items  ===
 First, a big thank you to apw for wrestling our kernel related
 blueprints and work items into place to make the above links useful
 again.  Our work items and owners are as follows:
 || apw       || core-1311-kernel                || 5 work items ||
 ||           || core-1311-cross-compilation     || 3 work items ||
 ||           || core-1311-hwe-plans             || 1 work item  ||
 ||           || core-1311-secure-boot           || 1 work item  ||
 || bjf       || core-1311-dmraid2mdadm          || 1 work item  ||
 || cking     || core-1311-kernel                || 2 work items ||
 || ogasawara || core-1311-kernel                || 4 work items ||
 ||           || client-1311-xorg-general        || 1 work item  ||
 || smb       || core-1311-dmraid2mdadm          || 1 work item  ||
 ||           || servercloud-1311-openstack-virt || 5 work items ||
 || rtg       || core-1311-hwe-plans             || 1 work item  ||
 ||           || core-1311-kernel                || 1 work item  ||

=== Status: Trusty Development Kernel  ===
 The master branch for trusty has been rebased to the latest v3.12.2
 upstream stable kernel.  We also continue to track the latest v3.13
 kernel on our unstable branch and most recently rebased to v3.13-rc2.
 Again, we shall switch our master branch from tracking v3.12 to v3.13
 once we cycle through the initial -rc's and feel it is stable enough for
 wider consumtion, ie uploaded to the archive.
 Important upcoming dates:
 Thurs Dec 19 - Alpha 1 (~2 weeks away)
 Thurs Jan 23 - Alpha 2 (~7 weeks away)
 Thurs Dec 12 - 12.04.4 Kernel Freeze (~1 week away)
 Thurs Jan 23 - 12.04.4 Final Release (~7 weeks away)
  * NOTE: Even though the kernel freeze date for 12.04.4 is Dec 12,
          patches needed to have landed in the SRU cadence starting
          this week to make the 12.04.4 point release.  Contact us
          *immediately* if there are patches which need to land.

===  Status: CVE's ===
 The current CVE status can be reviewed at the following link:

=== Status: Stable, Security, and Bugfix Kernel Updates -
Saucy/Raring/Quantal/Precise/Lucid  ===
 Status for the main kernels, until today (Nov. 26):
   *   Lucid - Prep'ing
   * Precise - Prep'ing
   * Quantal - Prep'ing
   *  Raring - Prep'ing
   *   Saucy - Prep'ing
 Current opened tracking bugs details:
   * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/kernel-sru-workflow.html
 For SRUs, SRU report is a good source of information:
   * http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/sru-report.html

=== Open Discussion or Questions? Raise your hand to be recognized  ===
 No open discussions.

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