Proposing a New App Developer Upload Process

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Wed Sep 5 23:51:48 UTC 2012

Michael Hall <mhall119 at> wrote:

>On 09/05/2012 02:08 PM, Emmet Hikory wrote:
>>     Regardless of our final decision with regard to the
>> limiting the impact on users of potentially malicious automatically
>> reviewed applications, I think we ought continue to make efforts so
>> that our tools support /opt properly.  There are many existing
>> and successful free and commercial applications using /opt today for
>> other unices, and we can only benefit by reducing the porting effort
>> for this software to Ubuntu.
>It's important to remember that when we say "support /opt/ properly"
>what we really mean is "support /opt/* properly".  We
>aren't just using /opt/ as an install prefix, we making a different
>install prefix for every single application, and that means that every
>tool is going to need to consider every install prefix for every
>application that might be installed.

That's normal for /opt.  The FHS standard layout for /opt is /opt/$VENDOR/$PACKAGE.  That's why /opt gives us filename namespace separation.

Scott K

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