Proposing a New App Developer Upload Process

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Sep 5 13:14:10 UTC 2012

Le 05/09/2012 14:31, Scott Kitterman a écrit :
> Why invest any time at all?
Your question is worded in a way which I've an hard time parsing, so I 
will try to reply as I understand it, let me know if that's not what you 

"Why do I think people would want to invest any time on Ubuntu then" is 
the question?

In which case I would say the OS and the applications are two different 

* Building a distribution,platform,desktop environment,OS is hard, it 
does require discipline and work from lot of people collaborating, I 
don't think you can "lower the standard" for the base of the system.

Why invest any time at all? Different contributors have different 
motivations: it's fun, it's interesting work, they like the result, they 
are proud of what they work on, they like the people they are working 
with, etc...

* Dealing with applications is another topic, there is no reason we 
would need so much coordination, reviews, testing for those. There is no 
reason we need to tight them to our release cycle and freezes. We are 
not the ones "owning" those apps, upstream are. Those upstream, for 
most, don't ask to be part of our project, many don't even run Ubuntu, 
they just want their apps to reach users. That's a different world and a 
different problem space...

Sebastien Bacher

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