ndisgtk/ndiswrapper on the install images

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com
Fri Nov 9 21:34:37 UTC 2012

On 8 November 2012 15:10, Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On 7 November 2012 12:55, Dmitrijs Ledkovs <dmitrij.ledkov at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> As part of the ongoing goal to remove python2 from the installation
>> media [1] ndisgtk was identified to still be using python2, pygtk and
>> python-glade2.
>> Are there plans to port ndisgtk to python3, pygi and gtkbuilder ?
>> Is ndisgtk still needed? Or can ubuntu-drivers-common take over this
>> functionality.
>> Would it be acceptable to drop the ndisgtk (GUI, not the command line
>> ndiswrapper-utils) from the install images?
>> The current instructions/documentation for ndiswrapper do list both
>> ndisgtk and command line way of installing windows drivers. [2]
>> I do want to question the need for ndiswrapper on the install media in
>> recent years: (i) given that all major computer manufacturers ship
>> ubuntu pre-installed and (ii) preferred way to get the windows driver
>> is over the network [2] (iii) and the steps to manually retrieve
>> windows drivers from a windows installation are harder to follow than
>> ndiswrapper command-line instructions.
> It turns out that ndiswrapper linux kernel module was dropped, as far
> back as during precise development or possibly before that.
> At the time ndiswrapper module was dropped, ndiswrapper-dkms was not seeded.
> I have now opened a bug to drop bogus provides:ndiswrapper from the
> linux kernel [3].
> And I would like to raise a merge proposal to ubuntu seeds to do one of:
> * to drop ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9, ndisgtk from all seeds
> * seed ndiswrapper-dkms

These are now dropped from all ubuntu flavours, by consensus.

I have also raised a merge proposal to do similar drop for 12.04.2 on
ubuntu only. As this will give a tiny bit of space on the cd.



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