3 months of free HP Cloud instance time for Ubuntu Developers

Jorge O. Castro jorge at ubuntu.com
Thu May 31 15:19:33 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

HP has graciously donated 3 months of instance time to Ubuntu
Developers and Juju Charm Authors!

This is a _beta_ program that I think will be useful to Ubuntu
developers, especially those of you who need more hardware resources
than the project can provide. Basically HP will give you a free three
months on their HP Cloud that you can use for building Ubuntu. Test
packages, fire up some Jenkins, do some automated QA, let them know
what's broken, things of that sort. Ubuntu Flavors, I'd love to see
participation from you as I know resources can be scarce.

I've added the steps to apply here:


The deadline for this first set of application is June 3rd (This
Sunday!) I will then send all your information to HP so it can be
credited to your account. Do note that you do need to enter a credit
card to get the API keys you need to mail me to get you on the list,
sorry about that. I will be updating that page over the next few
days/weeks as we get more information on the process.

We'd also like some help/testing the juju openstack provider on HP
Cloud. Kees Cook has a sbuild charm
(http://jujucharms.com/charms/precise/sbuild) that we can use, I'd
_love_ to see ubuntu developers using the cloud for this sort of

Many thanks to HP for this significant contribution to Ubuntu, I hope
to see some great blog posts/stories about how you all are using these
resources. If you have questions feel free to contact me offlist or on
#ubuntu-server on freenode.

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.

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