qmake configured correctly for multiarch library directories?

Stephen M. Webb stephen at ubuntu.com
Wed May 16 11:24:18 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 05/16/2012 02:33 AM, Josh Stratton wrote:
> Like I said, the majority of my libraries are still in /usr/lib and now qmake doesn't link against them by default.
> Is this a bug?  Is this just an accepted consequence of multiarch?  Or is there something I need to configure that
> wasn't handled properly in my upgrade?

Well, qmake only generates makefiles.  GCC has /usr/lib hardcoded in its library resolver search path and is always
used implicitly, so that should not be a problem.  If qmake is not using its linker symbol ($(GXX) or $(LD)) to
generate library search paths if it needs them explicitly, it is certainly a major bug in qmake and should have been
noticed long ago.  The multi-arch paths are in addition to the default paths, not instead of.

How do you know the /usr/lib libraries are not being linked against?  What is the symptom, other than not appearing
explicitly on the command line?

- -- 
Stephen M. Webb  <stephen at ubuntu.com>

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