Naming on a schedule (was Re: Quantal open for development)

Scott Ritchie scott at
Wed May 2 00:49:00 UTC 2012

On 5/1/12 6:27 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On May 01, 2012, at 03:14 PM, Benjamin Drung wrote:
>> Am Montag, den 30.04.2012, 12:16 -0400 schrieb Barry Warsaw:
>>> (Hint: you need to install debootstrap explicitly from precise-backports
>>> first.)
>> Can't we have a SRU this instead?
> I think that would be better, but I don't know why it was backported instead
> of SRUd.  Over in #ubuntu-devel, Stefano discovered that it was handled
> differently for Oneric->Precise because we knew the code name early enough to
> make the change before the release.  This time, we didn't know Quantal's code
> name until the rc's were being spun.
> So I'd like to understand the rationale for backporting it before going
> through the SRU process.  Maybe we need A Policy for the future too.

Might I suggest that this policy is that Mark should name the next 
release around the time of the second beta.  It's really silly for 
developers to be blocked in any fashion because we haven't done a witty 
name and blog post yet.

Scott Ritchie

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