Sponsoring Alert: >= 80 items in the queue

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Wed Jun 13 13:02:13 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,

we don't seem to be getting the queue under control. There are currently
83 items in the queue. You can see the queue here:


It'd be fantastic if everybody who skipped their piloting shifts would
pick up the slack and if everybody else could just pick a few items and
get them off the list.

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews has more
information about how to exactly do that.

If you are generally interested in doing regular piloting shifts and
would like me to remind you every month, please get in touch.

Thanks a lot in advance. You will make a lot of new contributors very
happy by giving them feedback.

Have a great day,

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