Jockey has been replaced with ubuntu-drivers-common and software-properties

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Wed Jul 18 09:57:18 UTC 2012

Hello all,

thanks to Didier, the replacement user interface for handling
third-party drivers [1] such as NVidia landed today [2]. 

This provides a much nicer GUI, and the underlying
ubuntu-drivers-common is a _lot_ simpler and more robust than Jockey.
Ubiquity has used the "ubuntu-drivers" command line tool instead of
Jockey for some time now for automatically installing the Broadcom
wifi or NVidia driver when you check the "proprietary stuff" checkbox.

There are certainly still warts in the implementation, such as
notifications or the control-center description, though. Please let us
know by filing bugs against ubuntu-drivers-common if your
hardware/drivers are not detected correctly, or software-properties if
the GUI is not working properly.




Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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