What are you doing next Friday?

Michael Hall mhall119 at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 27 21:35:51 UTC 2012

On 02/27/2012 12:13 PM, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 06:03:02PM +0100, Daniel Holbach wrote:
>> Hello Bryce,
>> On 27.02.2012 18:00, Bryce Harrington wrote:
>>> 13 of those are "add_quicklist" which is a new category that I guess got
>>> added recently?  Problem is there is no documentation for how to sponsor
>>> these kinds of items, and the patches are not packaged properly
>>> (i.e. the changes are applied in-line not as debian patches), and most
>>> haven't been forwarded upstream (or are pending being taken upstream).
>>> So, while they're fairly tiny items, the work to process them looks
>>> rather time consuming from a sponsor's perspective.
>> Thanks for bringing this up.
>> The 'add_quicklist' items were part of an initiative which Michael Hall
>> is driving. Unfortunately we noticed only later that this brings some
>> problems with untranslatability in universe. Michael, Didier and
>> Sébastien are currently in the process of finding a solution for these.
> How about we omit them from the sponsor overview until that's sorted
> out?  Might save sponsors some head scratching time (I know I wasted a
> good half our or so trying to figure out what to do with these, before
> realizing none were really in an easily sponsorable state.)
> That'd help us focus on clearing out the remaining 50 or so.
> Bryce
If somebody has a non-developer friendly step-by-step tutorial for 
turning the quicklist additions into easily sponsor-able packages, I 
will gladly send the contributors there to improve their submissions. 
At is was, *I* found the existing wiki documentation about using quilt 
and edit-patch and everything very hard to follow (and indeed, I failed 
to create a proper package patch when I tried).

Michael Hall
mhall119 at ubuntu.com

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