Patch pilot report 29/02/2012

Didier Roche didier.roche at
Wed Feb 29 12:28:16 UTC 2012

Hey everyone,


This was the keyword changes call by the community team. Nice work 
everyone! :)
However, I had to take quite some times on those:
- the correct vcs wasn't targetted (deskop one for most). Maybe we 
should a tool like debcheckout (which is looking at Vcs-Bzr: or apt-get 
source if nothing) but which look at Vcs-Bzr, or branch ubuntu:<project> 
branches if none. Unfortunatly, the call for help there wasn't stating 
it. Something to make better in the future :)
- no debian/changelog changed. Adding with their names.
- inlined patches, ported to a patch system ourself
- no forward to upstream (or mention that it's done). Done for them.
Also, some of them changes two things at the same time. So, I had to cut 
them down back in 2 patches… I removed some keywords as well as they are 
already either in the name or the description, so not needed (keywords 
are only for things not in any of them).

This clearly shows that we weren't clear enough in the call. I think 
that when we make some calls for help, the blog post should detail (or 
link to wiki pages) for every bullets above as taking the burden ourself 
it quite long (see the quicklist and the keywords efforts). Something to 
improve (in both communication with other parties involved/impacted by 
those calls and process-wise together).

A keyword for vlc, universe package not translatable. In addition, we 
are in sync with debian, I don't sync this worth unsyncing with them. 
Sent to upstream directly and unapproved the branch.

I didn't report this one upstream (as it's made by an internal 
contributor, we should take the lead of doing things right): inlined 
patch, no changelog and no upstream report. I think that we should 
ensure it's sent upstream first in either putting a link in the merge 
request or linking the upstream bug report in the ubuntu bug to make the 
sponsor process easier.

Rick is rewriting the tutorial, assigned to him, removed from the 
sponsor list.



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