Help needed with building imagevis3d

Andreas Moog andreas.moog at
Sun Feb 26 09:11:10 UTC 2012

Hi there,

I'm a bit stuck on the buildfailure of imagevis3d in the archive:
(amd64 build in this log)

> ../Tuvok/Build/libTuvok.a(GLFBOTex.o): In function `tuvok::GLFBOTex::initTextures(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int, unsigned int)':
> /build/buildd/imagevis3d-2.0.1/Tuvok/Renderer/GL/GLFBOTex.cpp:187: undefined reference to `gluErrorString'
> /build/buildd/imagevis3d-2.0.1/Tuvok/Renderer/GL/GLFBOTex.cpp:188: undefined reference to `gluErrorString'
> /build/buildd/imagevis3d-2.0.1/Tuvok/Renderer/GL/GLFBOTex.cpp:189: undefined reference to `gluErrorString'
> /build/buildd/imagevis3d-2.0.1/Tuvok/Renderer/GL/GLFBOTex.cpp:190: undefined reference to `gluErrorString'
> /build/buildd/imagevis3d-2.0.1/Tuvok/Renderer/GL/GLFBOTex.cpp:191: undefined reference to `gluErrorString'
> ../Tuvok/Build/libTuvok.a(GLFBOTex.o):/build/buildd/imagevis3d-2.0.1/Tuvok/Renderer/GL/GLFBOTex.cpp:209: more undefined references to `gluErrorString' follow

The error seems to relate to a missing -lGLU for the renderer, so I
added a patch to link with -lGLU.

This works on my local machine, be it on the live system or a up-to-date
chroot with sbuild:

What is wrong with my patch? Why does it work in local sbuild but not on
the buildd? Any hints for debugging this?


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