ALSA 1.0.25 in precise.

Pete Graner pgraner at
Wed Feb 8 14:57:18 UTC 2012

On 02/08/2012 03:42 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 07:16:51PM EST, Luke Yelavich wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> Just a heads up that I am in the process of getting ALSA 1.0.25 into precise. I am checking as thoroughly as I can to make sure I don't break anything, but if you find your audio is broken in the coming days, please let me know, particularly ARM folks.
> In light of being reminded about our need for testing, I have put alsa-utils v1.0.25 into the Ubuntu Audio Dev PPA for precise, Alsa-lib is already in precise since I jumped the gun a bit, so any issues you find can be filed in launchpad against alsa-lib. Please test alsa-utils, and file a bug in launchpad with your issue, noting the version of alsa-utils in the description.
> Thanks
> Luke

Looks like it broke flash audio. Worked around it by creating 
/etc/asound.conf that looks like:

pcm.pulse {
     type pulse

ctl.pulse {
     type pulse

pcm.!default {
     type pulse

ctl.!default {
     type pulse

Then restart the browser.

Thanks to Palo for providing the workaround.

Pete Graner - Ubuntu Kernel & QA Team Manager - <pgraner at>
Canonical Ltd. -

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