Call for testing: latest Upstart with logger improvements.

James Hunt james.hunt at
Fri Feb 3 17:17:47 UTC 2012

Hi All,

Job logging was temporarily disabled recently in the Ubuntu Upstart package when we discovered a
corner case the tests did not take account of [1]. The problem is now fixed and we have extended the
tests to guard against regressions in this area [2].

I've put the latest code in a PPA to allow for further testing before we consider re-enabling job
logging for all.

If you would like to help with this important testing, read on...

Getting the Latest Build

  1) Enable the ppa:jamesodhunt/upstart-job-logging PPA [3].
  2) Install Upstart version '1.4-0ubuntu5~jh'.
  3) Boot adding '--log' on the grub command line (you _must_ do this to enable logging!)
  4) Poke around in /var/log/upstart/ and check CPU+mem usage.
  5) Provide feedback.


Jobs that _end_ prior to a writable log partition being available (around the time the 'filesystem'
event is emitted [4]) will not have their data logged. I'm reworking a patch to remove this

Thanks for your help! Again, remember to boot with '--log' for the time being if you want your job
output logged!

Kind regards,
James Hunt

[1] -
[2] - This brings the total number of Upstart tests to 1066 (excluding the 2846 NIH tests).
[3] -
[4] - upstart-events(7) -


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