Precise archive status from now to release.

Kate Stewart kate.stewart at
Fri Apr 6 04:57:40 UTC 2012

Dear Developers,
   We're now 3 weeks out from our 12.04 LTS release, and the archive has
be frozen help regulate the fixes we'll be picking up between now and
Final Freeze[1] on 4/12.  Getting as many of the high and critical bug
fixes included before Final Freeze is the current goal for this next
week.  The release candidate images are planned for 4/19 with release on

   Unseeded Universe package fixes and FFe's should be discussed in
#ubuntu-motu Freenode channel.   Some of the release team members[2]
will be be monitoring that channel for questions.   The Unseeded
Universe Final Freeze[3] is scheduled on 4/24 at 1200. 

   For questions about fixes for packages seeded in the images contained
in Precise's Release Manifest[4],  discussion should happen with the
release team in #ubuntu-release Freenode channel.

Thank you for the fixes you're producing and cooperation in getting them
incorporated into the release so that we can minimize regressions.

Kate Stewart,
on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team.


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