Proposing Blueprints and Sessions to UDS-P

Jorge O. Castro jorge at
Tue Sep 27 15:53:37 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,

Some of you have already been asking how to schedule blueprints for
UDS-P. We now have a snazzy wiki page with all the information you


One thing to remember this time, Ubuntu will be using the "other"
track for sessions that don't fit anywhere else. Linaro will be using
"linaro-general" to be the same sort of track, but for linaro's
others. Also of note, "ubuntu-arm" is our Ubuntu ARM team, and is
marked specifically so so it doesn't get mixed in with the plentitude
of other ARM related sessions at UDS.

After you've submitted your blueprints, check with the track lead and
have them approve it to be scheduled. The list of tracks and leads is

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
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