Anyone use massfile? (ubuntu-dev-tools)

Benjamin Drung bdrung at
Thu Sep 15 09:07:04 UTC 2011

Am Donnerstag, den 15.09.2011, 11:23 +1000 schrieb Martin Pool:
> On 10 September 2011 08:10, Stefano Rivera <stefanor at> wrote:
> > We have a script for mass bug filing in Ubuntu Dev Tools, but the
> > interface is ugly and could use improvement.
> >
> >
> > Does anyone actually use it? Most automated bug filing I know about is
> > done with custom scripts for the job.
> >
> > I'd rather remove it than let it rot in a corner.
> +1 to removing stinky things from udt.  Let me also put in an ad for
> the project of merging non-ubuntu-specific Launchpad tools into
> lptools, where they may get more exposure or love.

All non-ubuntu-specific Launchpad tools in ubuntu-dev-tools were moved
into lptools.

To sum up all (re)movals:

Removed tools:
* get-build-deps (use mk-build-deps -ir instead)

Moved to lptools:
* get-branches (renamed to lp-get-branches)
* grab-attachments (renamed to lp-grab-attachments)
* lp-project-upload
* lp-list-bugs
* lp-set-dup
* lp-shell

Moved into distro-info:
* debian-distro-info
* distro-info
* ubuntu-distro-info

Moved into devscripts:
* add-patch
* edit-patch
* suspicious-source
* what-patch
* wrap-and-sort

Benjamin Drung
Debian & Ubuntu Developer
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