Patch Pilot 2011-10-27

Barry Warsaw barry at
Fri Oct 28 13:13:42 UTC 2011

* xchat merge proposals

  Status: Disapproved.  Provided feedback and suggestion (with links) on how
  to submit the bug and patch upstream.  Associated bugs marked Invalid.

* Bug 818200 (SIGSEGV in seed)
  - unreproducible
  - merge proposal marked as Merged (in Precise):
  - Ubuntu bug task targeted to precise-alpha-1 and marked Fix Released
  - Similarly, bug 847274 marked Fixed Released

* Bug 612082 (vm-builder)
  - Ported patch to Precise and sponsor upload
  - Created bug task on upstream
  - Ported patch to trunk and submitted merge proposal
  - Probably not appropriate for SRU so uploaded to ppa:barry/python

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