Getting new packages into Ubuntu

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Oct 10 16:08:16 UTC 2011

Le lundi 10 octobre 2011 à 16:41 +0100, Colin Watson a écrit :
> It's pretty much how I got involved in Debian, way back when.

Great, it's also how I started in Debian back then ;-)

Debian and Ubuntu are great communities and will keep attracting people
who have interest in doing that sort of work but...

- there are lot of people out there who writer softwares and have no
interest to learn enough about Ubuntu to become a MOTU, they just want
to reach users, they should be welcome to join as well and in a way
which is not to difficult for them
- you were recently complaining as well about the number of packages
that see one upload and stop being maintained that we have to fix then,
do we want those in the main archive because they attract people or
would they be better suited in extras?
- locking upstream softwares to our release cycle just don't fit, it's a
best un-natural and create extra work, it often means that users get
outdated softwares or versions that upstreams want to replace

One other way would be perhaps to stop freezing universe at release and
to let softwares elvolve in a least strict way...

Sebastien Bacher

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