We need more bitesize bugs

Kate Stewart kate.stewart at canonical.com
Tue May 31 22:36:04 UTC 2011

On Tue, 2011-05-31 at 15:18 -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 04:09:21PM +0200, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> > if you come across bugs that are easy to solve or could where you could
> > imagine helping somebody solve them, please tag them as 'bitesize'.
> > A script that adds the tag, subscribes you and adds a comment to the bug
> > report was just added to ubuntu-dev-tools (it's called "bitesize") and
> > will hopefully soon end up in natty-backports too.
> > We get more and more people who are excited about helping out, who read
> > some documentation and are just blocked on finding a simple task they
> > can get started with.
> > Just to clarify:
> >  - if it's a simple bug, but it's a blocker for you, just go and fix it
> >    yourself - no need to wait for a willing contributor. :-)
> >  - if the correct way to fix it, is to submit it upstream, then that's
> >    what we should expect from the contributors and help them do it. It
> >    does not necessarily need to result in an Ubuntu upload.
> > I plan to refer new contributors to bitesize bugs more this cycle and
> > it'd be great if we had a nice list of simple issues waiting for them.
> One concern I have is that we not wind up with bugs open at release time
> that we *would* have fixed if we had not set them aside as bitesized bugs.
> Should we target these bugs to 11.10-beta, so that we make sure to round up
> any that are still outstanding at that point?
Good catch Steve.  

   Can we make sure that all bitesize bugs are milestoned as well - to
11.10 beta?  That should trigger us to review where they are in a timely


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