release cadence for Q and R

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Thu Jun 16 05:11:50 UTC 2011

Steve Beattie [2011-06-15 15:58 -0700]:
> Perhaps this is just me being naive, but with upstreams, shouldn't we
> be emphasizing the Feature Freeze date rather than the actual Release
> date? That's the merge window deadline they should be targeting, and
> where the Ubuntu cadence should be most relevant.

I think the FF target makes more sense for upstreams who don't align
their release cycle with our's, i. e. for the "common case". For
upstreams who do the final release date is more relevant, as usually
after our FF they will also release bug fix only upstream releases
which we then take into the distro.

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (
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