Uploading to multiple distros

Iain Lane laney at debian.org
Thu Jun 2 16:18:10 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 02, 2011 at 01:54:37PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
>Hrm.  So syncpackage generates a .changes for uploading to ubuntu from
>the .dsc (which presumably came out of the Debian build).  That does
>mean though that the Ubuntu target suite is not visible in the
>changelog of the ultimate Ubuntu package.  And if the package is not
>accepted into the Debian archive for any reason, the changelog is very
>misleading because it looks like a sync from Debian.

Yes, this is one reason why it's probably better to wait for acceptance 
into Debian first before uploading anywhere else. NEW delays really 
are rather short these days in my experience so in all but the most 
urgent cases that would be the right thing to do.

Anyway, unless you're proposing changing the version string based on 
target distribution there is going to be confusion regardless IMO. It's 
simpler to just rebuild the source package with an Ubuntu changelog 
entry or wait the couple of days to sync. :-)

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