Lintian reports P: no-upstream-changelog even though its intended in Ubuntu

Bilal Akhtar bilalakhtar at
Sat Jan 15 17:34:07 UTC 2011

Hello there!

On 01/15/2011 06:43 PM, Luke Faraone wrote:
> Why do you say that? Upstream changelogs are recommended by policy;
> nothing in pkgbinarymangler removes them as far as I know.

Sorry if I wasn't clear, but the below logs prove that the ubuntu
environment is so modified to not pick up upstream changelogs by default
(I am not very sure about the reason for this, but I think it's to
reduce size of binary packages on the live cd)

Debian build log of liboauth 0.9.1-2 in experimental:
. Note this line in the log:

-rw-r--r-- root/root      2525 2010-09-13 12:12

Now, the Ubuntu build log of the exactly same package, synced directly
from Debian experimental.

Its clearly evident that /usr/share/doc/liboauth-dev/changelog.gz is not
being installed.

> This tag is flagged "pedantic" for a reason; lack of it is not
> justification to reject a package, and it's something nice to have,
> rather than something essential.

I do agree its not a big issue, but nevertheless, it confuses new and
lesser-experienced packagers/developers.

I hope this helps,

Bilal Akhtar.

Bilal Akhtar - Ubuntu Developer <bilalakhtar at>
IRC nick: cdbs

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