bug search and source package names

Peter Pearse peter.pearse at linaro.org
Wed Feb 2 10:25:37 UTC 2011

If you do, please ensure something makes it clear, to dummies like me,
that substring searching cannot be used....

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 6:09 AM, Robert Collins
<robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> Hi, as you may have noticed, bug search in Launchpad is not as fast as
> you might wish :). One of the contributing factors to the search
> performance is that we do a substring match for package names.
> We're looking at schema changes and additional short-term solutions
> (long term we're moving to a dedicated search engine such as Lucene),
> but I'm wondering - how important is this substring matching?
> What do I mean by this? If you type 'ibche' into the bug search for
> Ubuntu it will time out. But if it didn't timeout it would find all
> bugs on libchewing (because ibche is a substring on libchewing).
> If Ubuntu as a whole is open to this being removed temporarily(*) then
> we can drop some representative queries down from 7 seconds to 380ms
> with relatively little effort. We may be able to achieve this sort of
> result with more significant effort - but if its not actually a
> valuable feature, its much more efficient to disable it for a while.
> -Rob
> (*): a year or maybe two. We hope to get to an overhaul of our search
> engine late 2011, and I'm positive we could reestablish this then if
> desirable.
> --
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