Arsenal reports for Unity and Indicator Applet teams

Bryce Harrington bryce at
Thu Feb 3 01:41:00 UTC 2011

I've added summary reports for the unity-team and
indicator-applet-developers teams:

These provide the teams with three reports I've found useful in managing
the influx of xorg bugs:

  Milestones - All bugs with milestone targets

  Patches - All bugs with patches attached to them.

  Workqueue - All "actionable" bug reports relevant to (tagged) natty.
      (I.e., not 'Incomplete without reply' or 'Fix Committed')

These reports unify all your bug reports across all of the packages the
team is subscribed to, which is really handy.

The Workqueue list is helpful in that it filters out all the bugs that
haven't been tagged 'natty' (which apport now does automatically), so if
you have a humongous list of bugs to manage, it helps you avoid being
distracted by bugs not yet confirmed against natty.

I also generate statistics of the workqueue numbers and chart them for
each team, to help get a sense of your progress in battling the bug
queues.  Right now there's no data so they're kinda boring, but
eventually they might look something like this:

(As you can see, the past week's X updates have given us some work to
do, particularly for -intel!)


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