bug search and source package names

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Wed Feb 2 17:06:50 UTC 2011

Hi Rob,

One thing that isn't clear from your mail is if all substring matching
on package names is out.

For instance would searching for "gcc" get you results from "gcc-4.4"
and "gcc-4.5"?



On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 19:09:24 +1300, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> Hi, as you may have noticed, bug search in Launchpad is not as fast as
> you might wish :). One of the contributing factors to the search
> performance is that we do a substring match for package names.
> We're looking at schema changes and additional short-term solutions
> (long term we're moving to a dedicated search engine such as Lucene),
> but I'm wondering - how important is this substring matching?
> What do I mean by this? If you type 'ibche' into the bug search for
> Ubuntu it will time out. But if it didn't timeout it would find all
> bugs on libchewing (because ibche is a substring on libchewing).
> If Ubuntu as a whole is open to this being removed temporarily(*) then
> we can drop some representative queries down from 7 seconds to 380ms
> with relatively little effort. We may be able to achieve this sort of
> result with more significant effort - but if its not actually a
> valuable feature, its much more efficient to disable it for a while.
> -Rob
> (*): a year or maybe two. We hope to get to an overhaul of our search
> engine late 2011, and I'm positive we could reestablish this then if
> desirable.
> -- 
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