X Server 1.10

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Tue Feb 1 04:37:16 UTC 2011

Alrighty, the new X server has been uploaded and all drivers queued to

New issues we know about:

  * -nvidia and -fglrx are broken.  We'll need updated ones from the
    respective vendors.  Use -nouveau or -ati respectively in the mean

  * Synaptics touchpad pointer movement may be quirky or too high / too
    low.  This is due to some upstream rework of the input acceleration
    for synaptics.

  * Graphics corruption / refresh regression in xchat and possibly other
    X applications on -intel.  (#710961)

In addition, there are a handful of other issues reported against
natty's X prior to the new stack, see:


If you find other regressions traceable to this new X stack, please file
new reports from the affected system (preferrably while the system is in
its broken state, or shortly thereafter):

  ubuntu-bug xorg


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