Bug 788514 (dh_python2 transition)

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 12 17:04:01 UTC 2011

On Aug 08, 2011, at 03:08 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

>We've made great progress on bug 788514, which transitions all of the
>python-support and python-central dependent packages on our various *buntu CDs
>to use dh_python2.  My thanks to everyone who submitted patches and uploaded
>changes both to Ubuntu and Debian.
>We're almost there.  By my count, we have 31 packages still left to do, and
>feature freeze will be here this Thursday.  At this point, I'm not going to
>wait/sync on Debian, though of course we should still submit bug reports and
>patches to them for any such changes in Ubuntu.

And we made it!  I just want to give a shout out and thank everyone who
contributed to this effort, especially Julian Taylor and Steve Langasek.  As
you'll see by the bug whiteboard, we met our goal to have completed the work
on all known CD image packages by Oneiric feature freeze.

Great work everyone!

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