Thanks to the Natty Testers

Pete Graner pgraner at
Thu Apr 28 15:03:14 UTC 2011

I'd like to give a shout out to the testers that made the Natty release 
possible. Everyone please give them a round of applause!

Thanks to chadadavis, charlie-tca, hggdh, Riddell, jamespage, njin,
Lance, jdstrand, stgraber, patrickmw, muonata, pedro_, uComputer,
GrueMaster, TheMuso, Claudinux, highvoltage, Alessio Grosso Sgarrillo,
pgraner, bdmurray, fader_, ScottK, PatrickDK, Mocchi, cyphermox,
xdatap1, ara, PaoloRotolo, NightSilente, wobblybob, alo21, gjditchfield,
Letozaf_, homitsu, guillemhs, AstralJava, bennachie, Fly82, valix,
Irihapeti, Shnatsel, nobuto, JanRathmann, starslights, bcbc, freefly,
totopalma, primes2h, pitti, Scott Lavender, ptn107, SpamapS, smoser,
bambi, apw, bluesscream, chrigu, Tm_T, asasoft, davmor2, pace_t_zulu,
Roberto Sbragia, MarcoBuono, kidsodateless, txomon and cpatrick08 for
testing the ISOs.

Pete Graner
<pgraner at>
Manager Ubuntu Kernel & QA Teams
Canonical Ltd.

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