Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

Luke Faraone luke at
Thu Apr 21 14:51:55 UTC 2011

On 04/21/2011 09:48 AM, Serge Hallyn wrote:
> I'm sorry, I just don't understand this theme in this thread.  The one
> about Linux application developers should be gearing their apps toward
> Ubuntu I don't think it's reasonable - at least not with some of the
> items on the original list.  It's one thing for Gnome to do so, because
> their mission is different.  For a distro, I think it's self-defeating.
>> Mind you I don't care to argue here.  I'm just saying I'm worried about
> the fact that everyone seems behind this, and that this attitude will be
> detrimental to Ubuntu's standing in the community.  Really detrimental.

+1. If we're planning on *breaking* established APIs we have supported
in the past, it should be because its unmaintainable (like Gtk1) or has
been deprecated for a very long time. GtkStatusIcon is neither.

It seems rather arrogant to say "well, we're implementing something
shiny and new, and if you don't migrate to a new API your app will be
broken for many usecases".

Besides alienating developers ("Ubuntu is making me do what?"), it'll
cause user frustration as apps which used to work in 10.10 and previous
will fail in 11.04. I don't have numbers, but I'd expect most of the
GtkStatusIcon-using universe has not been ported, nor will there be
immediate upstream interest in doing so.

Unless we have a very good reason (which so far has yet to be presented,
beyond "its better UX"), we should maintain support for applications
using the (still supported in Gtk2!) API.

Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs, Systems
lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net --
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