Missing panel items (was Re: Default Desktop Experience for 11.04 - User testing results)

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 18 13:02:06 UTC 2011

Now that I'm using Unity a lot, I find that I'm missing a few things from the
classic desktop's upper panel.  I don't know how to get these back, if it's
even possible.

* The weather notifier is missing.  I really like this little notifier so I
  know when to throw open the windows and get some fresh air!

* System monitor.  I like this little applet because it gives me a quick way
  to take the pulse of my system.   How hard it's running, is there a lot of
  network activity going on, etc.

* Force quit.  Some times you just need it and a kill -9 just isn't easy to
  get to.

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