/etc/init.d/* status .. what to do when transitioning to an upstart job?

Dustin Kirkland kirkland at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 14 20:37:45 UTC 2011

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Kees Cook <kees at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 08:41:56AM +0100, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>> Kees Cook wrote:
>> >> /etc/service/status.d
>> >>
>> >> And if one exists for the job name, run it, otherwise just run the
>> >> upstart status and provide an LSB compatible return code.
>> >>
>> >> This would also allow for the post-start stanza to call the same code if
>> >> it is needed.
>> >>
>> >> Does anyone have strong thoughts on this? Given the service.d approach,
>> >> it would seem the correct course of action is to open a feature request
>> >> against sysvinit, document it in our upstart job writing best practices,
>> >> and to document this feature in the server guide.
>> >
>> > Why should this be external to upstart? This seems to me like a clearly
>> > missing feature in upstart itself. (i.e. a "status" stanza for services
>> > that need a non-passive check.)

I agree, and we did talk about it at UDS-Natty in Orlando.  SJR
disagreed with this vehemently, as I recall.

>> +1 on an optional, specific "status" stanza in upstart scripts. When
>> present, it could be automatically called as a post-start before
>> "started" is emitted, and would also be called when "status" is used.
> Has anything happened with this? Would this make a good UDS topic?

I'd think it would be a good one to re-visit, perhaps starting with a
brief review of where we left it 6 months ago.  This is *definitely*
something I personally miss, once an init script is converted to an
upstart job.  "status $foo" tells me almost nothing interesting for
most of my values of $foo today :-(


Dustin Kirkland
Ubuntu Core Developer

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