Server Team 20110412 meeting minutes

Andres Rodriguez andreserl at
Tue Apr 12 17:55:24 UTC 2011

== Agenda ==

 * Review ACTION points from previous meeting
   * Daviey to submit UDS-O topic for translations and docs
   * jamespage to helpout with verification of euca-dhcp bug
   * jamespage to discover process/location for fixing ubuntu server
 * Natty Development
 * Ubuntu Server Team Events
 * Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)
 * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
 * Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer)
 * Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community
 * Open Discussion
 * Announce next meeting date and time
   * Tuesday, April  19th 2011 16:00 UTC

== Minutes ==

==== Meeting Actions ====

 * No actions.

==== Review ACTION points from previous meeting ====

 * Daviey to submit UDS-O topic for translations and docs
   * Talked to David P. about it and agreed to participate in the UDS-O
 * jamespage to helpout with verification of euca-dhcp bug
   * DONE
 * jamespage to discover process/location for fixing ubuntu server
   * DONE
   * Docs up to date: resources

==== Natty Development ====

Focus is now on bug fixing rather than development.

 * robbiew: any remaining work items should be universe related or non-code
 * SpampS mentioned a few items are remaining:

==== Ubuntu Server Team Events ====

 * SpamapS: Apr. 13,14 I will be at the MySQL Users' Conference in Santa
Clara, CA
 * jamespage: I'll be attending puppet camp europe on the 28/29 April in
 * zul: Apr 25 - 29 I will be at the Openstack summit, Santa Clara, CA

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) ====

 * initial ISO tests via jenkins are all done, with success except for ec2.
 * Proposed to discuss jenkins usage on UDS.

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) ====

 * Launchpad bug 751253 in linux (Ubuntu) "Many interrupts and slow disk I/O
on Lucid xen guest" [Undecided,New]
    * <smb> thinks really that sounds a bit like maybe xen version or
actually a lot of traffic as that machine had 500GB going out in 5 days

==== Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) ====

 * Not present
 * SpampS suggested to select someone else to drive the team.
 * RoAkSoAx suggested to remote the item from the Agenda until replacement
is found.

==== Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community ====

 * kim0:
   * Will be running a weekly community IRC meeting for the Ensemble team.
This will be run in #ubuntu-cloud starting tomorrow at 6pm-UTC, it will be
merged with the older community meeting. Everyone attending this meeting is
a good candidate to attend tomorrow's
   * That meeting will provide a high level overview of development in the
Ensemble world since last meeting/week.
   * Writing an announcement on right now, which
I'll mirror on planet, and everyone is encouraged to spread/tweet...etc

==== Open Discussion ====

 * kirkland throwing a release party:

==== Announce next meeting date and time ====

 * Tuesday, April  19th 2011 16:00 UTC

== Logs ==
Logs can be found here:

Andres Rodriguez (RoAkSoAx)
Ubuntu Server Developer
Systems Engineer
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