ari-tczew to be excluded from Ubuntu community

Stephan Adig sh at
Mon Apr 11 07:13:06 UTC 2011


On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 17:40 +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
> On 04/08/2011 10:32 AM, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> >> What exactly Did he do? What kind of violation?
> >
> > Without going into too much detail, because I feel it's wrong discussing
> > somebody's merits and mistakes publicly, it should suffice to say that a
> > number of people repeatedly complained about his general impatience and
> > rudeness. Some felt intimidated and even after long discussions he did
> > not accept the criticism or come to the realisation that it might have
> > been his actions that triggered many of these events.
> I did learn that these discussions were all based on email and IRC.  People do 
> behave differently if you talk to them in person, or on the phone.  I do not 
> want to question the decision of the CC in this matter, but for future issues I 
> would like to see an interaction either on the phone or in face before such a 
> decision is made.  Language barriers shouldn't matter, Ubuntu is not an 
> anglo-american only project.

After I wrote my mail to the list, because of this issue, I catched
Daniel on IRC. 
Understanding the issue, and I don't want (as Daniel was expressing)
that all of that is going public, I was proposing to Daniel that a face
to face talk could help here more.

I think that having a "social problem resolution forum" during UDS or
other Ubuntu events would be a better way of fixing social problems.
People behave differently when you encounter them face to face.

Connecting a face or person to an IRC nick or an email address helps a

It would also be valuable to the Ubuntu Community, to have such a forum.



Stephan '\sh' Adig
SysAdmin / Ubuntu Developer
xmpp: sh at

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