Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

Timo Jyrinki timo.jyrinki at
Fri Apr 8 10:55:25 UTC 2011

2011/4/8 Neil Jagdish Patel <neil.patel at>:
> 3.8.4 should be much, much more stable, especially if you're on a 64-bit
> system. The entire team is concentrated on crashers and I think we'll
> have a very stable Unity by hard-freeze.

Sounds good, and yes I've 64-bit which explains a bit.

> F10 - Opens first available menu in Panel and then left/right arrows let
> you move between all the menus on the panel
> Alt+F1 - Focuses the launcher and allows you to keyboard-navigate the
> icons and also navigate the Quicklists.
> Super - Opens the Dash

Yippee! Super and Alt+F2 I had realized (and Alt+F2 was great to have
when it appeared and I noticed it from changelog), F10 and Alt+F1 were
news to me and they seem to work great at the first sight (except when
in calendar, where it seems there is zero way of getting out with
keyboard only - I will check if there is a bug for that).

The keyboard usability just got a huge boost for me. This illustrates
though somewhat the problem of finding these out and the lack of any
built-in Help.


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