Using something better than Gobby for session notes at UDS

Jussi Schultink jussi01 at
Fri Apr 8 08:53:11 UTC 2011

Hi all,

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 11:28 AM, Philipp Kern <pkern at> wrote:
> Alan,
> am Thu, Apr 07, 2011 at 07:13:36PM +0100 hast du folgendes geschrieben:
>> There were concerns raised about moving to etherpad and access to
>> that with Orca, this reminds me of the last UDS when we did move at
>> the last minute to gobby-0.5 which I understand was fully
>> inaccessible to Orca at the time.
> I doubt that one unless the distro was broken at that time.  It should've been
> as accessible as gobby-0.4 was.
>> Does anyone know whether the "delete a page brings down the whole
>> server" issue has actually been fixed on Heh,
>> scrub that, just tested it! Someone might like to file an RT to get
>> the server turned back on.
> And please file a ticket at [0] so that it can finally be fixed.  We
> don't know of such problems, hell, how should we fix them?  (Of course,
> that many developers with facky connections on one server is a stress
> test we cannot sensibly reproduce by ourselves.)
Perhaps James could put up the etherpad already, and we can get lots
of people on  there and stress test it *before* UDS? Im quite sure we
can find several hundred people with too much time on their hands
(isn't that the definition of #ubuntu-offtopic :P ) to test it.

Should I file an RT to get this happening? or?

> Kind regards
> Philipp Kern
> [0]
>    Sadly requires signing up nowadays because of lots of ticket spam.
>    And albeit we do monitor Launchpad, but it's not our bug tracker.
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