Default Desktop Experience for 11.04

vila v.ladeuil+lp at
Fri Apr 8 08:50:14 UTC 2011

>>>>> Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at> writes:

    > Alex Launi [2011-04-07 23:46 -0400]:
    >> I can honestly say that when I am not in a unity environment, I don't feel
    >> at home. 

    > I couldn't have believed it even two months ago still, but today I
    > feel the same. When I switch back to classic GNOME it feels inferior
    > now; I'm particularly missing the super-fast keyboard
    > shortcuts/search/navigation and bigger screen real estate.

You weren't using Gnome Do don't you ?

But yes, even if I haven't yet been able to use Unity much, from my
tests, I'm eager to switch to it as soon as I can.

*Finally* an auto-hiding dock that works, gee, and it's not coming from
Apple ?

Kudos to the design team... is all I can say.


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